Labels:text | person | man | screenshot OCR: POINT! SHOOT! PRINT! TODAY The Girls of MacDaddy are ready for an Intimate Photo Session with you !!! Grab your cameras and start clicking away. Capture these beauties and treasure HAPPY them forever when you create personalized HUMPDAY! calendars, greeting cards, reminders, and much, much more !!! JUST ONE SESSION AND AUGUST CYBER PHOTOGRAPHER WILL BECOME YOUR OBSESSION !!! Win 3.7, Win '95, MAC 00 JUN MON TUE WED THE FRI SAT SET Created, Produced and Directed by Ivan Nagy Associate Producer: William Kim Cover Art and Package Design: Wade Lageose for Art Hotel OVER 4.200 Minimum System Requirements PC Windows Users: PHOTOS !!! Macintosh Users: Windows 3.1 or better, 486 - 33 MHz processor or better, 8 MB of RAM System 7.1 or better, 68030 - 50 MHz processor, QuickTime 2.1 or better, 8 MB ...